The Words of Clients Who Transformed Their Marriages 

(I have a strict confidentiality policy as I have many high profile clients. Anonymity is ALWAYS preserved & stock photos used)

Out of all the theories, models, and studies I’ve completed, the programme you have put together is absolutely incredible! 

“I completed a doctorate and I’m a chartered psychologist, but I’ve felt so ashamed about what I do, I have felt like a fraud at work as I’ve been so unable to sort myself out. Out of all the theories, models, and studies I’ve completed, the package you have put together is absolutely incredible. The way I’ve been trained to work with clients does not compare at all to the powerful programme you have put together - thank you. I’m growing through this now!”

Justine S. (Pschologist)

This is truly 'life-changing', as much as it is relationship-saving

“Over the years I have done many programs and I learned something from most of them but truthfully, nothing comes close to what I've learned on this one! Cliché as it sounds, this is truly 'life-changing', as much as it is relationship-saving.”

Dawn C. (Nonprofit Executive Director)

Our life together has never been so content and happy!

“Because of this program and all we have learned, our life together has never been so content and happy. As I have said before to Pete, I was on the internet looking for a divorce Lawyer and I feel like it was Divine intervention when the introductory video came up.

We have been married almost 33 years and all my walls built in childhood are down. I finally feel free of the victimhood of my childhood. Thanks to this program I have even connected with my mother whom I have not had contact with in 10 years. I have learned true forgiveness. Thanks to Pete (and Nikki) my drowning days are over.”

Gaynor L. (Creative Director, Advertising Industry )

I think I have done every personal development and spiritual program out there and this one surpasses them all!

“The principles, love and guidance you give, quite honestly blows my mind. Thanks doesn't cover it, Pete. I think I have done every personal development and spiritual program out there and this one surpasses them all!”

Leila B. (Personal Development Coach)

Every aspect of our relationship is stronger, deeper and more connected

"Hi Pete,
I have been meaning to email you for a while. I wanted to thank you for the advice and help you gave to us. It has changed our relationship immeasurably and for that I am truly grateful.
We have been making the most of lockdown. It has given us a chance to really practice and work on many aspects of unconditional love and while we don't have any outside challenges and influences it has enabled us to focus on one another. It really has been so lovely to have this time to heal. 
Every aspect of our relationship is stronger, deeper and more connected now. We are grateful everyday for your teachings and guidance."

Joseph L. (Senior police Officer)

Our marriage/relationship is 1000% better then we could have ever imagined!

[My wife] and I feel so blessed to have found this program. I starting thinking about timelines after we talked yesterday.

Our world exploded August of 2022. Once the smoked cleared a bit, we both knew we did not want to lose each other. We knew that for many years we just weren't happy, but just didn't know what to do. Afterwards we did find some information online that did help us move forward at times. Mainly it pertained to being honest about the infidelities...which we were. We would move forward for a couple of weeks at a time and then kept going backwards.

The problem was we could never get to the root of the problem. We were truthful about what we did, but there was no thought put into the whys. I knew we could never get past this unless we knew "why".

I was constantly googling topics online. To this day, I can't remember what I put in the search bar, but I remember seeing this program and watching the video that was available. As soon as I watch the video I got that feeling, the feeling this could be it. I got home and couldn't wait to let [my wife] see the video. Of course there's always a bit of skepticism from things online. We watched the video 3 or 4 times, and we both decided that it was worth setting up the call with you.

It is truly amazing/unbelievable/incredible where we are today. This Sunday will mark 6 months in this program. It gave us the tools to unlock our past, in order to see our future.

If someone would have told me that uncovering the infidelity was going to be the best thing that ever happened to us, I'm sure I would have thrown a couple expletives their way and called them nuts. Little did I know how true that would turn out to be.

Learning about Unconditional Love and how to get there changed our lives forever. We will always be so grateful to you and Nikki. Thanks to this amazing program we have put our past behind us. 

We have definitely chosen happiness and work on it every single day. Our marriage/relationship is 1000% better then we could have ever imagined!

Mark G. (Engineering Manager)

Light years ahead of the traditional marriage counselor!

"Pete, when I first found your website what captivated me after watching your first video was your approach and search for answers. Your first video struck a chord with me after you explained unconditional love. After your 10 mini series it all began to make sense. My parents never, even to this day say the words “I love you”

I never realized that until now how much something like unconditional love meant or the importance of it. And honestly I didn’t really know what it was myself. I’ve been to many counseling sessions over the years and after completing the programI just wanted to say - you are light years ahead of the traditional marriage counselor."

Richard P. (Management Consultant)

We cannot change our past but we can influence our future and with all that you have taught us we are doing so every single day!

"I have just been reflecting and thinking about life over the last year as it’s roughly a year since [my husband] and I had our very first call with you.

Wow, what a year! Did I really believe back then that we would come through the hurt, pain and resentment to continue a life together? probably not; but I did believe that I wanted to try everything I could to save our marriage. 

We are so thankful to have found you, Nikki and the program. We worked hard on the modules separately and together and here we are one year later continually building our life together with clarity about who we are and how we operate and how we can truly give our love for a stronger partnership. We cannot change our past but we can influence our future and with all that you have taught us we are doing so every single day, so thank you.

We dip in and out of the live group coaching calls now and it’s bitter sweet to hear some of the new attendees. I am sad for them that they have found themselves in need of the help, but thrilled that they have found the help that will really make a difference. I am eternally grateful!"

Jackie H. (Paediatrician)

I would proclaim the wonders of this program from a mountaintop!!

“I would proclaim the wonders of this program from a mountaintop!! Not just for what it has done for our relationship but for what it has done for me personally and the peace it has brought to my heart.”

Tiffani F. (Professional Actress)

I’m so happy to be learning a better way to love and live and parent!

“I honestly believe this is the only programme in the world that can teach you how to transform your life, your relationship and your family with true unconditional love, step by step.

Today, I want to share a sweet win. We’ve been working through the program veeerrry slowly. We’ll watch/listen to a module, then practice, practice, practice it into our life, then when it feels right, we listen to the next module. 

So while we haven’t made it through the entire program yet, my favorite is to pull up an archived LGC call recording, pop in my air-pods and tackle my household cleaning. 

To the win. What we’ve learned and practiced goes beyond ourselves and our marriage; we’re actively using our newly learned paradigms in our parenting. It helps tremendously! I find I feel a great anticipation in unlearning the old parenting tricks and implementing unconditional love in every instance. Again, practice, practice, practice…love, love, love.

Our third child had a fairly upsetting evening a week ago, writing notes that displayed his emotional dismay with untruths. My husband and I pulled him into our room and our arms and spoke truths to him and did our best to teach him about his emotional system and the importance of taking care to refill our bottles/cups.

Today, that sweet boy found me in the kitchen and tucked in under my arm for a hug. I stopped what I was doing, held him close, kissed his head, ran my fingers through his curls. Then he looked up at me with the biggest smile! 

“Before I came in here, my cup was here.” As he proceeds to fill a cup only half way. “But after hugging you, it’s here!” And he turns the faucet on and let the water run over!

It was simple, and sweet. But that only made it feel profound. I’m so happy to be learning a better way to love and live and parent!

 Lana R. 

Thank you so much for this amazing gift!!

“Hi Pete, First off...thank you, thank you for putting this course out there! Finding this course has truly changed our lives! It always amazes me how much information we both keep pulling out of each one. We are truly enjoying working on ourselves, and then realizing how those changes from within effect our relationship in such a positive way.

This course has definitely led both of us to complete honesty with ourselves, and each other. The difficult times and painful conversations during this learning process wasn't always easy, but so worth it. It has led us to be able to give the gift of true forgiveness of all our past mistakes to each other...which has been the best gift I have ever given or received.

Learning and understanding how to truly give love "unconditionally" has given me a whole new outlook on life! Thank you so much for this amazing gift!"

Mike F. (Professional Musician)

I am grateful every day for this program!

"I am grateful every day for this program that has helped me be a better person and my marriage a truly loving one." 

Belinda S. (Teacher)

This really has been an eye opening journey!

"This really has been an eye opening journey that we are going on both separately and together. I feel as if everyday I'm learning something new about myself! To the new folks who are just beginning this journey I encourage you to stick with it, turn to each other not on each other. It can be raw, it's sometimes painful, it's emotional but in the end it's so worth it!! There's nothing more amazing than reconnecting with your partner."

Tina P. (Scientific Officer, Healthcare Industry)

I’m proud of us for not giving up, and I am so thankful we found this program.

Things are so much better, which I thought was impossible a year ago. We’ve renewed our vows, and we have tried (not always successfully) to prioritise our marriage and each other while we try to navigate parenting two busy teenagers, work and life in general. We’ve made significant changes to how we live together, talk to each other, and treat each other.

I’m proud of us for not giving up, and I am so thankful we found this program. Thank you, Pete and Nikki. The program is life-changing and life-saving. 

Carry & Dan S.  (University Lecturers)

Great encouragement, always!

"The effectiveness of this program is difficult to comprehend or express sometimes. I did not expect it to be so complete, and rounded. It is certainly not a "do once and put down" issue.

I find that, when a black mood hits - going onto the program and doing the next day's work releases the pressure, changes thinking.

I said on the Facebook group that this program is worth it's weight in gold. I think I should upgrade that to platinum.

Pete and Nikki's advice and comments are priceless, and the input from other people going through similar challenges just serves to reinforce what they say.

Great encouragement, always."

Phil C. (CEO, Architect)

I believe it is essential for our very human existence in this world!

"Pete and Nikki, I know you do not desire praise or accolades for the work you do, but please know that this program is changing lives and I believe it is essential for our very human existence in this world, if we are to love unconditionally and raise the emotional intelligence of the planet. So I say, thank you."

David A. (Consultant Psychiatrist, Healthcare Industry)

I'll be forever thankful!

"I can't thank you and Nikki enough for what you've done for us! I woke up at peace this morning caressing my husbands arm and "at peace" is an amazing way to start the day, so I had to share!! 

The knowledge that you've shared from your experience has truly helped save my marriage and I'll be forever thankful. I also hope that in a world lacking unconditional love this e-mail finds you & your family doing well, safe and happy."

Temi P. (Professional Singer)

A total deconstruction of wrong thinking and reconstruction of a healthy emotional system!

"Pete, I've discovered this week that the more I concentrated on wishing [my husband] was in as much pain as I am, or reliving his indescretions and digging for details, I was only punishing myself and keeping myself in unnecessary emotional pain and turmoil. It was like emotional "cutting ". 

When I acknowledged that my pain was coming from my own feelings of worthlessness or not feeling I was good enough, I began to fill up my own emotional battery which is only my responsibility to do. 

I feel like this program is a total deconstruction of wrong thinking and reconstruction of a healthy emotional system. I could never do this without your teachings, encouragement and supportive environment. I feel as though we are in emotional kindergarten school. 

Thanks for all you and Nikki do. Not enough words to express my gratitude."

Dana A. (Airline Pilot)

We are HAPPY! I mean really, really happy!

"Honestly this is an email I never thought I’d write - ever.
We are HAPPY! I mean really, really happy. I really did think I was destined to live a sort of ‘limp’ happiness, one were a cloud of misery and resentment just hung over me for the rest of my life. But we've become the couple we were always meant to be. We are closer than we’ve ever been. We can talk openly with each other about anything now. 

And it was all down to this programme... it really only does take one person to take part and totally embrace it for it to work. For that, I’ll be forever grateful!"

Lorraine B. (Investment Banker, Retired)

Peace In My Heart!

"I have found a peace in my heart that I never had before this program"

Rebecca L. (Legal Partner, Estate Planning)

Pete is so right! Just trust him, this course, this support group and the process!

"Pete, Thank you for this course, you're spot on!

We are so grateful for this course to have arrived at this critical understanding AND for the week 4 exercises that gave us the insight and root causes necessary to create an action plan for our v2.0 marriage that we are actually excited about.

We look forward to the continued learning and growth we hope to gain ( and work hard at together) from the remainder of this course.
I share this in hopes anyone struggling with immense hurt and raging anger and resentment like I was will have hope and faith that through this course healing and triumph from an affair tragedy IS actually possible! and for us as crazy as it sounds, we are grateful more than regretful for this affair event because it changed the diverging trajectory of our relationship and we are now hopeful that our marriage over the next 40 years will become the best years of our lives. 

( Pete is soo right! Just trust him, this course, this support group and the process!)"

Lucy G. (Chief Nursing Officer)

No idea where we would be without it right now!

"Good morning Pete! We hope you are doing well! We are enjoying the program SO MUCH and getting so much out of it, I have no idea where we would be without it right now!"

Sally & Paul .D (Business Owners)

I would never have predicted there was such a change to be made!

"Hi Pete, I was just reflecting on how far [my wife] and myself have come. I would never have predicted there was such a change to be made or even if two strong individuals could change but we have both changed 180 degrees.

We have found this journey so powerful, it not only has rebuilt the foundation of our relationship but has spilled over to our families, business and faith. For me personally the turning point has been the truth and making [my wife] number 1 priority in my life, for a person that has always put myself first in life putting [my wife] number one has changed the way I see the world and treat the people around me.

We both as individuals and as a couple have learned to deal with fear and communicate with each other, it has made momentous changes in our lives and we have learned to embrace love. We are both filling each other’s bottle and the effects are spilling over into the people around us, we are better individuals and truly a bonded couple.

We both wanted to thank you so much for your guidance keep up the good work!"

Craig B. (Head Teacher)

This program has saved our marriage.

"This program has saved our marriage and brought a closeness to our family that I always dreamed of. You and Nikki are doing God's work with helping so many people.

Thank you and God bless!"

Delia S. (Pastor's wife)

We are 'in love' again!

"Working with this program and understanding where we went wrong and why, finding unconditional love and with the support of this group, our relationship is now better than it has ever been ! 

We have been together since school (1978) and married since 1983. 

We talk, we laugh, we go on special outings. We are 'in love' again. I would not want to relive the last 13 months but the effort we have both put into our marriage has made us both so much happier."

Pia S. (Business Owner)

This is a program for life. What I have learned here has benefited me as a person, my marriage, my relationships with my children, and the way I see the world.

"I watched the video and it made such sense to me. It was so easy to see how we often feel unloved, alone and misunderstood. I sent the link to my husband, as we were living apart at the time, and he responded that we should do it if I wanted to. I responded to the link and we set up an interview with you. Just that brief initial meeting opened up many emotions that clinched our decision to join.

Quite honestly, it was the best decision of my life.

This program helped me look into myself and to develop an awareness of my own behavior in our relationship and how I go through life. It has given me the tools I need to be a better, more loving person. It taught me how to truly listen with my heart.

This is a program for life. What I have learned here has benefited me as a person, my marriage, my relationships with my children, and the way I see the world. Thank you."

Karla P & Mike P. (Dentist & CEO)

Turning Point Of Our Entire Lives

“My wife and I discovered Pete at probably the lowest point of our marriage, but I now look back on that time as being the turning point of our entire lives. My wife was clearly telling me how unloved she felt by the behaviours she was exhibiting and in my own unloved state I chose to feel hurt and angry.

Pete helped us see what we were doing to each other and that in trying to ‘get’ love from each other and elsewhere, we were only succeeding in driving the real thing away.

We have had to relearn our whole view of the world, of what people’s behaviours are telling us and how our own behaviour gives away our emptiness. It has created an amazing bond between my wife and I and it has been a completely life changing experience.”

Gary H. (Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon)

The program has become the number one reason why I have been able to forgive myself for what happened to us.

"A couple of years ago my wife and I came across this program. I was the betrayer and I have to be honest, I didn’t think there would be anything that we could do to repair the damage that had been done.

In the beginning I felt that I was repeatedly getting beat up for the same mistakes. I wondered how I could ever get over these feelings, I was the fish out of water and I was sure I would not survive.

Two years later, the program has become the number one reason why I have been able to forgive myself for what happened to us.

It is so much more than just someone being right, and someone being wrong. No one is perfect and Pete and Nikki have done a helluva job helping me learn about self compassion, which in turn, makes me a better partner for my wife, and most importantly, a better person to myself! Everyone wins!"

Gerry W. (Professional Artist)

This Course Has Been Eye Opening

“I’ve spent my whole life making money into my God. I see now that this was at the expense of my family. This course has been eye opening"

Rob D. (Entrepreneur)

What you teach couples is absolutely astounding!

"Your insight explains SO much! I can’t even begin to express it.
I have so much compassion for [my husband] right now. I must have cut him off at the knees so many times during our marriage, and didn’t even know it.😬. I will do a 180° and change that immediately.

What you teach couples is absolutely astounding! Revelational, Inspiring, and Vital.

Thank you, Pete! Thank you to you and Nikki both. You guys are truly Amazing.!"

Donna S. (Doctor -General Practitioner)

His calm and quiet conversation with me sparked hope

"We were the perfect couple, that’s what everyone thought and we did too! My whole life was perfect. I was raised perfectly, or so I thought... until all the perfection exploded into little bits of years of pent up anger, victimhood and pain.

My husband had an affair and all my world crumbled.

I desperately tried to keep us together and it got worse as I tried helping him be accountable, still not trusting him, making sure my friends and family app was monitoring his every move. This behaviour was not building love and trust it was pushing him away.

I then connected with Pete and from the first moment I spoke with him and shared some of my drama, his calm and quiet conversation with me sparked hope. I felt no shame, guilt or fear. I liked feeling this way and wanted to know how to feel better.

We started our journey in finding what loving looks like my hurt, anger and heart healed. It now seems like a million years ago...There are moments that I just look up and am so grateful for finding the road to real happiness.

As I look back over the last couple of years I’m thankful for my journey, the hard and prickly bits, and now the joy and peace I feel is priceless. I’m grateful for the lifetime I have to grow and experience unconditionally loving my husband. "

Laura G. (Business Owner)

Shining A Light For Me

"Once in a while, just when your world seems dark and unfathomable, someone shines a light in a way that changes everything. You did that for me Pete and I'll be forever grateful!"

Charlie S.​​ (Entrepreneur)

This Is The Missing Piece

"Becoming aware of all this has hit the nail on the head for me. 
This is the missing piece that I’ve unknowingly been searching for all my life and I'm so grateful I found this course and you Pete.”

Duncan M. (Investment Banker)

I count my blessings every single day

"Pete I'm so happy.I count my blessings every single day, all thanks to you guys for teaching us about Unconditional Love. Things are really good between me and [my husband] and in fact that trip away I feel has done us so much good. We have made some major progress, communication between us has never been as good as it is, it’s like we are always talking lol."

R. V. (CEO Real Estate Enterprise)

I Wish I Could Do The Intervention Over Again!

“Oh wow. What can I say? I started this process a broken woman. I was in so much pain after I discovered my husband had an affair, I didn’t know how I could ever move on.

I can’t thank Pete and Nikki enough for opening my eyes. I now understand the emptiness which drove my husband’s behaviours and the emptiness which kept me stuck in my own patterns of behaviour.

I can only guess at how much we have actually saved  by avoiding divorce, both emotonally and financially.

I wish I could do the intervention over again!"

Gina T. (Scientist, Hospital & Healthcare Industry)

This course has really helped us to become closer and closer!

"Hi Pete,

We are half way through week 6 and I have to say that this course has really helped us to become closer and closer.

We had a lot of fun with the listening exercise.

[My husband] regularly says how is is enjoying the whole programme. We have both got folders with the worksheets which we revisit. We start every morning with a reflection and we now intend to have a relationship meeting every evening.

We both love your videos. We especially love your personal anecdotes as it makes it more realistic. Your delivery is great!

Thank you so much for everything."

Melissa M. (Senior Human Resources Officer, Biotechnology Industry )

I Finally Understand

"I finally understand what’s been wrong with our relationship – neither of us has been good at sharing the truth about ourselves.
This course has been instrumental in changing the entire nature of our relationship”

Kyle B. (Head Teacher)

We Can’t Thank You Enough

“Thanks to what we’ve learned with you, we’ve been sharing a lot of words, thoughts and fun. Funny how this has brought a level of closeness to our relationship that we had been missing and it was right away. Of course we have much healing and rediscovery ahead but we can’t thank you enough”

Sharon  & Tom T. (Business Owner)

We could not be any more thankful!

"Hey Pete, I just wanted to say hello and say your philosophy and teachings are helping enormously. We thank you and Nikki for being the people you are because I know the road back to love would be a lot harder without you. The special thing about you all is that you've taken us down a new road that has made us see what love really is and could be for both of us!

We could not be any more thankful!”

Troy H. (Pastor)

This Course Is Great!

“This course is great! I had no idea that each time I am unloving to [my wife] I drain my own battery. It has been eye opening to learn that each time I am afraid or do something to just ‘feel better’ in the moment, I am draining my battery too. 

Thanks Pete”

Stephen A. (Senior Accountant, Telecommunications Industry)

We Are Really Talking To Each Other Now

"Pete, I just wanted you to know how insanely valuable this course has been to our entire family and we haven't even completed it yet.

I know you said that success was down to us and how much we wanted to make changes but how can we not want to after learning the truth behind all the stuff we were doing before? An added bonus is that its helped us see how chaotic our lives were and how bad it was for the kids. 

We are really talking to each other now and not superficially either - this truth telling gets quite deep and dare I say it, freeing!"

Richard D. (Senior Police Officer)

You Were Listening To Me At Ground Zero

“Pete, your words were so helpful. You were listening to me at ground zero. And your response was spot on. We are beginning to recover and find each other again and that’s entirely thanks to the information you've shared with us.”

Pauline Y. (Registered Nurse)

I Want More

"Having spent the last year and a half learning more and more about unconditional love with Pete and learning to take more responsibility for my life, I wanted to continue my journey as I know there is much more that I can learn and discover about ME! I've also been amazed at the changes in my life and my relationship since starting this journey and I want more!!

Rhoda N. (Anesthetist)

My Life And Relationship Have Changed Phenomenally

"My coaching experience with Pete was second to none. I admit, I was skeptical about any form of counselling or self exploration, it was simply foreign to me. Now I can say, hand on heart, that I’m so glad that I chose to work with him. My life and relationship have changed phenomenally! I feel happier than I ever have done, and my relationship with my partner has just bloomed! We actually WANT to spend time together now, in fact we can’t get enough of each other!

When I usually read testimonials, I think, ‘Yeah right, as if they didn’t write that themselves!’ I don’t want this to sound like that. When I say Pete has changed my life, I do not exaggerate & I stand by my word. Every day was a struggle in our relationship & I felt certain that it couldn’t be fixed. Pete helped me look at and our relationship from a different perspective. I learnt more about myself than I ever thought I could, I’ll take that knowledge with me for life. He taught me how to really love and value myself, and my partner."

Natalie B. (Airline Pilot)

A Shift In Perspective

"Working with Pete has been genuinely life changing. He has taught me how to take more responsibility for my thoughts and feelings by unconditionally loving me through my craziness and all my imperfections as a human being! 

This shift in perspective has transformed my day to day life (including my relationship with my partner and son) and I feel so much more equipped to deal with the knocks that life frequently throws my way!

Pete has an amazing ability to see where I am emotionally before I have even said anything! He is a wonder and I’m so truly grateful for the love and wisdom he has shared with me. "

Ruth R. (Entrepreneur)

Nothing has given me results anywhere close

"Pete this has been a tough old journey but there have been so many highlights along the way to keep me reassured I’m on the right path. And I do know that this is the only path worth following because I’ve tried pretty much everything else and nothing has given me results anywhere close. "

Tom C. (Senior Partner - Solicitor)

Grateful And Blessed

I wish to give you a big thank you for your love, help and support this year Pete. I feel very grateful and blessed to have you in my life. I really appreciate the time and effort. You have put into me a lot of effort and it paid off. I'm so happy."

Lola W. (Planning Consultant, local government)

The magic our marriage needed

"My wife and I found your website about 3 years ago and since then we have learned so much more about love than we thought it was possible to know. We thought you just felt it. Or not, in our case. But that’s not true at all and making the one time decision to learn to love my wife more each day has been the magic our marriage needed.
Thank you Pete, without all this we wouldn’t still be together and loving life like this. "

Wes B. (Tenured Professer)

Restored My Faith In Humanity

"I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the greatest gift anyone could have shared with me - unconditional love. You've restored my faith in humanity. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and teaching me how to live a life of freedom and happiness. I'll never forget the most precious gift you have brought into my life and marriage. I will continue to practice and treasure it forever."

Lucinda L. (Financial Analyst, Software Industry)

I have learned how to handle this situation

"Thank you Pete and Nikki, I just love the way you put things into perspective! I have learned how to handle this situation, get past and over it quicker from you than the marriage counseling classes we attended. Thank God for you both. "

Tamara B. (Legal secretary)

I wish we had known all this years ago

"My husband and I were just saying how we wish we had known all this years ago when our girls were young. They are now 27 and 29. I had no idea what unconditional love was until I found this programme, and wish every day I could have that time back with our girls and do it all over again with our new found knowledge. But we know we can pass on this to our daughters when the right time comes and hopefully we’ll be grandparents one day!"

Ann-Marie H. 

Fundamentally changed as a person

"Thanks Pete, you've been my rock through some pretty tough times. I'm happy to say I'm floating on much calmer waters nowadays because of what I've learned and I'm fundamentally changed as a person for the better. Our marriage is an entirely different and happier place to be now"

Fizz B. (Senior Pharmacist)

I love the program

"I love the program and wish I had it before ever getting married. Thank you so much.”

Susan M. (Spiritual Coach, Entrepreneur)

Your presence in our lives has truly changed us forever

"Pete, in all your calls, emails, posts and communication you put so much thought into making sure other people are remaining solid, at peace and always have great things to say to us to keep us positive. I would like to tell you that we both truly appreciate the time and effort you spend with us, your presence in our lives has truly changed us forever."

Gerard P. (Director, Hospitality Industry)

Your work is so precious, so important.

”I just want to say this program has changed my life or shall I say how I look at my life. I'm so pleased for you and Nikki, it's amazing the work you're doing, literally changing lives, saving lives, keeping families together as you teach them how to love each other unconditionally, just as you did for me. Keep going, your work is so precious, so important.”

Jodie W. (Nutritionist/Dietitian)

I'm daring to believe I can be so much more than I've ever let myself be

“I'm grateful that I met my husband, I'm grateful that we've experienced what we've experienced together- especially the hard times. Why? Because it brought me to Pete & Nikki. It brought me to the awareness that I have so much more power than I ever believed, to make the changes in my life that can lead me to live a joyous and peaceful life.

I'm daring to believe I can be so much more than I've ever let myself be. I'm starting to like being me. “

Nancy H. (Founder & CEO, Software Industry)

Your course has been fantastic for us!

”I have to say your course has been fantastic for us. We have connected on an emotional level that we have never experienced before and that is down to your advice, care and coaching. Thank you.”

Chris C. (CEO Aerospace Industry)

Nothing comes close to this program

“Over the years I have done many programs and I learned something from most of them but truthfully, nothing comes close to what I've learned on this one! Cliche as it sounds, this is truly 'life-changing', as much as it is relationship-saving. ”

Lana D. (Executive Director, Telecommunications)

We simply would not be together at all if it wasn’t for the backbone of this course

"If someone told me 5 weeks ago where I’d be today, I just would not have believed you!

I have chosen to go thru this course myself. We started together, but my husband just wasn’t ready (by his own admission) but, you know, the darnedest thing has happened. As I have followed the course, unconsciously so has he! But, we are absolutely getting there in strides that I could have only dreamed of 2 weeks ago.

But most importantly, we simply would not be together at all if it wasn’t for the backbone of this course... it was never about me. It was about not having the tools to deal with what life throws at us. I would never have been able to cope continually thinking that the betrayal was a personal attack on me and we would have separated. I know this.

If it’s tough for you just now, hang in. It’s pretty good on the other side!"

Lily B. Retired Creative Director (Marketing industry)

This is the best kept secret on the internet

”Oh my, this program has to be the best kept 'secret' on the internet - secret only because no one wants to broadcast the fact their spouse had an affair otherwise people would be recommending this far and wide. Truly life changing! I’m almost glad he cheated, no I AM glad!”

Jill Y. Medical Science Executive (Biotech Industry)

The more you discover, the more things make sense

“This journey is all about self discovery. The more you discover, the more things make sense. This gives you the knowledge and understanding about yourself to reveal the person from under the mask that you always really wanted to be, and actually have always been but have been hidden. You can then connect to your spouse in a truthful and loving way - better than ever before! The journey is already showing it’s well worth it.”

Phil C. (Chiropractor)

I am GLAD the infidelity happened because of the healing we found in this program

I was a betrayed partner and we joined this program the actual day after I found out about my husband’s infidelity. That night I searched on Google and this website was the first that appeared, something I will always attribute to “divine intervention “ I emailed Pete and the following day we spoke with him at 6 am US time.

That was the start of an incredible journey and today I can honestly say that I am GLAD the infidelity happened because of the healing we found in this program. It has given us the kind of relationship I always wanted but couldn’t seem to create.“

Martine J. (Senior Nursing Officer, Hospital & Healthcare)

We have taken our time to sit with the amazing lessons and work on ourselves.

“This programme has taken us nearly a year to work through. In the beginning we did one module a week, then it slowed off as life changed.
We have taken our time to sit with the amazing lessons and work on ourselves. I am so glad we did.

It truly is life changing in all aspects of how we interact not only with each other but with our children and the wider world.”

Sylvia T. (Family Therapist)

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